FPGA / ASIC IP Design Services

Simba HPC offers a design service for complete FPGA designs or specific IP blocks for use in ASICs / FPGAs. We specialise in systems for computational tasks including signal processing, stochastic modelling and System on Chip (SoC).
We take pride in delivering designs that minimise resources and have the highest possible clock speed - in fact we can improve on the performance of a lot of FPGA vendor supplied IP cores. This can translate directly into BoM cost savings (through the use of a lower cost FPGA part) or product performance improvements.
A vendor neutral approach to FPGA design allows us to select the most appropriate device for a customer's needs, or to design FPGA IP blocks that work with a customer's current system. We have previously worked with Intel / Altera, Lattice and AMD / Xilinx FPGAs.
Our designs are usually described using Verilog, but we are also happy to work with VHDL. We use mixed language simulation tools from Aldec.
Example designs include:
Signal Processing

- FIR Filtering
- CIC Filters
- Noise shaping
- IIR Filtering
- Hilbert transforms
- Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT)
- Acoustic beamformers
Accelerated computing

- Stochastic modelling
- Pseudo Random number generation
- Quasi Random number generation
- Financial option pricing
System on Chip (SoC) design
- AMD / Xilinx Zynq, Microblaze, and Picoblaze
- Intel / Altera NIOS II
- ARM Cortex™ M1
- Lattice Mico32
We have access to many development boards from different manufactures, allowing us to quickly develop prototype systems.